Visser Schaap & Kreijger is a law firm in the form of a Dutch partnership consisting of private limited companies and natural persons. The areas of law in which Visser Schaap & Kreijger is active are further detailed on our website and are within the main areas of intellectual property, media and competition. The attorneys of Visser Schaap & Kreijger are members of the Dutch Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten, ) and in that capacity are subject tot the Advocatenwet and the code of conduct of the Dutch Bar.

Visser Schaap & Kreijger is located at Concertgebouwplein 19, 1071 LM Amsterdam tel. +31 (0)20 – 723 8900 and is listed in the Trade Register under number 62388959. The VAT number is NL8547.98.729.B01.

The services of Visser Schaap & Kreijger are subject to general terms and conditions that are available via this website ( The general conditions provide that Dutch law is applicable and that the Courts of Amsterdam have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes regarding the services. The general terms and conditions also contain a limitation of our professional liability to the amount covered by our professional liability insurance.

Before accepting the engagement we will normally send you an engagement letter to confirm the scope and conditions of our services, including the rates, our general terms and conditions and other information that is relevant to the engagement.

Complaints handling and dispute settlement scheme

Despite our efforts, it may happen that you are dissatisfied about, say, the legal assistance or the amount of the invoice. In such situations, you can utilise our complaints handling scheme.

You can file your complaint with our firm first. We will handle your complaint in accordance with a complaints procedure formulated by the Dutch Bar Association. To take advantage of the complaints handling scheme, you need to submit your complaint to our firm within three months after you learned or reasonably could have learned of the actions or omissions leading to your complaint. We will try to resolve your complaint in writing within six weeks of receiving it.

In those instances where our internal complaints handling scheme has not sufficiently resolved the complaint, the dispute may be brought before the civil court in Amsterdam.